+ The Secret

Over breakfast, a friend casually mentioned about this book titled 'The Secret'. This wasn't exactly how the conversation went, but if I could have scripted it, it would have gone something like this.

"Do you know about the Secret?"
What secret?
"The Secret."
What exactly is this secret you're talking about?
"It's a secret."

Nonsensical, but I'll defend myself with the excuses of sleeping too little, having too much coffee and staring at my monitor for too many hours. Anyways, like I said, this 'Secret' is a self-help book that talks about these laws of attraction. After a little wikipedia, here's what I found.

'Supporters will hail this New Age self-help book on the law of attraction as a groundbreaking and life-changing work, finding validation in its thesis that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, happiness... and did we mention wealth? Detractors will be appalled by this as well as when the book argues that fleeting negative thoughts are powerful enough to create terminal illness, poverty and even widespread disasters.'

Sounds like a bunch of spirituality hogwash to me. And I thought it was about finding positivity and channeling that into real effort, real work - and of course with that, comes real success. Oh, wait a minute, that's how people succeed right?

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